Ongoing Ministry Opportunities
Men’s Group
The Men's Ministry will be meeting at The Well the following Saturday at 7:30 AM. Be sharpened! They are studying the book of Malachi.
Women’s Group
Robin and Crystal have finished their book study on the book Deepening Your Prayer Life by Charles F Stanley. Stay tuned for the next study announcement coming soon!
Every Tuesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM! Talk to Pastor Kennedy for details.
Discipleship Bible Study (DBS)
Everyone is invited to participate in the Discipleship Bible Study DBS - (Sunday School) "The Life & Message of Jesus." Sundays in The Well, 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM.
Food & Goods Pantry
We are reviving our Food & Goods Pantry! If you would like to donate to the cause, we are looking for shelf-stable food items, toiletries (deodorant, toilet paper, wipes), laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. If you want to donate, pick up, or deliver anything from the Food & Goods Pantry, please contact the office.
Children's Ministry
There are numerous ways you can help serve in the Children’s Ministry! You can teach, volunteer for SPLASH, donate materials, and much more! Reach out to Caroline Baker for details!