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Oasis at a Glance

Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events

Click images for more details!


We will NOT be having a Second Sunday fellowship meal this month since we just had our End of the Year fellowship meal.  However, Second Sundays will return in February so be on the look out for the sign-up info for that coming soon.  And make sure you’re using these meals as outreach opportunities to invite your neighbors, colleagues, or family members to come get to know your church family.

Please take advantage of our children's ministry classes on Sunday mornings!  After the worship service, kids aged 1 (and walking) thru 5th grade are invited to join us for our Sunday school classes.  The Seeds Class (Ages 1 & walking - 5) meets upstairs with Caroline, and the Seedlings Class (ages 5 - 10) meets in The Well with the Sunday School Teachers.


This week (1/5) our Seedlings class will continue their lesson titled ‘Jesus Grows Up’. Using 2 games, they will study the verses Luke 2:41-52.


Our Seeds class will take a break from their study of colors, numbers, and shapes. We will participate in a sensory activity to further explore the world around us.  


Just a friendly reminder: Please don't send your kids to Sunday school classes if they are sick. Our volunteers may turn kids away if they appear to be sick or are found to have a fever (100.4 F) at their discretion.


*** Clyde is the giant rubber duck in the Well that the Kids have fallen in love with. Clyde is not a real person and is not an item to be idolized. He has become a unique avenue used to connect with our kids.

Ongoing Ministry Opportunities


Men’s Group

The Men's Ministry is meeting at The Well next Saturday at 7:30 AM.  Be sharpened! They are studying the book of Malachi.


Women’s Group

The Oasis Ladies meet weekly on Mondays at 6 PM in The Well. Robin Ford and Crystal Slakes are leading a book study on the book Deepening Your Prayer Life by Charles F Stanley.



Every Tuesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM! Talk to Kennedy for details.


Food & Goods Pantry

We are reviving our Food & Goods Pantry! If you would like to donate to the cause, we are looking for shelf-stable food items, toiletries (deodorant, toilet paper, wipes), laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. If you want to donate, pick up, or deliver anything from the Food & Goods Pantry, please talk to Chris Harrison or Abby Sinclair.


Children's Ministry

There are numerous ways you can help serve in the Children’s Ministry!  You can teach, volunteer for SPLASH, donate materials, and much more!  Reach out to Caroline Baker for details!